Behind the Scenes: Off the Charts

THE INSPIRATION FOR THE STORY: Here’s where you can find out about how Off the Charts (the Prequel to the Serendipity Adventure Romance series) came about - how I got the idea for this short story, what changed along the way, and how that fits in with the other books in the series!

I actually wrote this prequel after I wrote Uncharted. I didn’t want back story to slow Uncharted down, but neither did I want readers to miss the magical night when Seth and Julie first met. The solution was to write Off the Charts as a short story prequel, and I’m so glad I did. I love using short stories to have fun watching couple’s lives before and after their happily ever after, so I’ve written quite a few short stories – as much for my own entertainment as to share with fans!


The characters were already full developed from Uncharted, but it was a great pleasure to go back in time and capture them in a slightly different stage in their lives, both on the cusp of a major change. I wanted to capture Seth in the early stages of letting go of his old life, but not quite embracing his new one as a sailing nomad. I also had a lot of fun watching Julie battle her inhibitions and go after a man who seems so right for her. I’m not a one-night stand kind of girl, either, but what fun to imagine one that forms the foundation for much, much more!


I love the early dialogue when Seth and Julie discover how much they have in common. I’m also a big fan of the Patrick O’Brian books (especially the sloth and battle scenes) so I couldn’t resist writing those in, either!


This was another one of those stories that didn’t change much along the way because most of it developed during the writing of Uncharted. The main question was whether they’d explore their (ahem) passions on the beach or keep the fun behind closed doors. Ultimately, the busy beach made them stay indoors with the door open to let the moonlight in, a detail I love. It keeps the edge in the scene, the sense of something forbidden.