The Howling Good Hop!

Welcome to the Howling Good Hop with over 30 participating authors! Be sure to enter our Rafflecopter GIVEAWAY (link below) for a chance to win one of $200 in prizes. Also, leave a comment on this post (with your email address so I can inform you if you win) to enter a drawing for a copy of Desert Moon – Book 1 in the Wolves of Twin Moon Ranch series.

Come meet the hottest wolves in the West!

If you’re new to my books, welcome to the Wolves of Twin Moon Ranch, my dark and dangerous shapeshifter series set in Arizona’s desert highlands. Why do I write paranormal romances set in the desert – and what does that have to do with hot alpha wolves? Reading can be an escape, a way to slip into a fantasy life that’s much more thrilling than our everyday lives. I think edgy paranormal worlds lend themselves to capable heroes and heroines. For me, the latter is a must: I love a heroine who can stand on her own two feet – one who’s doing just fine on her own. But give the heroine a good man (not to mention a chance to overcome her own inhibitions) and she’ll never turn down the chance for adventure, nor shy away from danger. That’s what I love to write!

Another thing that draws me to the paranormal is the fantasy element – just imagine being able to slip into another body the way we slip into a different pair of shoes! Think running shoes versus high heels: each give you a different feel, a different persona. That’s why I enjoy writing (and reading) about shapeshifters with their dual natures. Who wouldn’t want to change into a wolf and howl at the desert moon with an eternally loyal mate? I also love the concept of destined mates, which fits perfectly into the shapeshifter world. That feeling of bam – love at first sight! Not that my heroes and heroines have it easy – there are always many obstacles in the way to their togetherness, which is that much more gratifying when they’ve battled for their happiness.

I often write about outsiders coming in to Twin Moon Ranch, too: East Coast girls discovering the wonder of a special place and a completely new lifestyle. It’s very much what I experienced when I left my native New England for a job on a ranch in the highlands of central Arizona. In fact, the Twin Moon Ranch of my series is based on the ranch I worked on: the dining hall, the council house, the gateway hung with the ranch brand, and the overall layout of Twin Moon Ranch were inspired by that special place. Of course, the real ranch didn’t have werewolves or as many hunks, so Twin Moon is much better! Working on that ranch also gave me my fascination with the desert in all its moods and seasons – a fascination that comes through in my stories.

Of course, my books aren’t only about landscapes. They’re about love, acceptance, and finding a place called home. They have plenty of hot moments, too – and not just hot because of the desert sun! Here’s an excerpt from Desert Blood (Book 2 of the series, on sale for only 99¢ until May 13 only):

She turned and set the strawberries aside, facing Cody, an inch away. Wishing desperately for him to start what they both wanted. He held back, though, letting her take the lead, even if the hitch in his breath gave the effort of it away. She loved him for it, but hated what it said about her. Did she really come off as so fragile?

God, maybe she was. Being attacked in an alley on a dark Friday night will do that to a girl. For once, the memory made her bristle with fresh determination instead of cower. She had escaped that alley. Started a new life. Here. Now.

Heather stepped forward and put a hand on Cody’s chest. Beneath the soft cotton of his shirt was solid steel that heated at her touch. Half-closing her eyes, she tilted her head and wished for his lips. Imagined them brushing over hers, soft and sweet. She saw his eyes drop to her lips and focus there as if he were counting her breaths, waiting for his chance. The way the girls did at school, studying the beat of a jump rope before leaping in. Waiting…waiting…

The coyotes warbled on, high and hopeful, then low and lonely.

She’d had enough of waiting and wishing. Enough of lonely. On the next breath, Heather reached for his lips with her own.

Heather put everything into that kiss. All her joy, her sorrow, her hope. She squeezed her whole body to his, savoring the sweet taste of strawberry on his lips. Arms banded with muscle circled her waist, and she wove her arms behind his neck. The man was a fireplace on a cold winter’s night, emanating warmth and security.

A pause, a breath. He was waiting for her. God, she needed help with this. How to proceed?

“Cody, help me,” she whispered, threading her fingers into his hair.

His face took on that Huck Finn grin. “With what?”

“You know what.”

His lips moved to her ear. “Pretend I don’t.”

Finally, I enjoy writing paranormal because the villains are so much more interesting than in real life: vampires, rogues, demons! And I enjoy combining genres, bringing just enough of a western touch into my stories to keep it interesting, but not so much that it becomes a cliché. So why don’t you check out my series and see for yourself?

Desert Moon (Book 1)

Desert Blood (Book 2, on sale for only 99¢ until May 13th)

Desert Fate (Book 3, just released!)

…and many more on the BOOKS section of this website.

There’s also a FREE short story waiting for you HERE!

Now back to the Hop for more fun, prizes, and great books by great authors – and don’t forget to enter our GIVEAWAY to win a $100 gift certificate on Amazon or B&N!